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Dylan (he/him)

I want to consistently put the work in to show up unapologetically as myself every single day. I want to show up proudly as a queer man, a femme boy, a creature of love, and a ball of energy. I want to show up equally as someone who doesn’t have all the answers and can screw up sometimes. I hope that in doing so with reckless abandon I encourage others to do the same and to create connection through that act.

Let's be in this great mess together. At times the wellness industry can paint itself as this picture of perfection and in doing so it can make wellness seem unattainable. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Treat yourself to a juicy burger, Stay out too late dancing, Drink a green juice when you feel like it. Throw salt over your shoulder and do a few high kicks. I’m here for the tiny steps, the micro interactions, the successes and failures.

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