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Muggy (she/her) Libra

I think one of the most beautiful things about movement is that it has this incredible capacity to bring people together, and to form communities,  unfortunately the way the fitness industry is currently set up, there is a lot of barriers and alienation of groups due to income level, gender, abiliity, etc. and ultimately we all lose out when those groups are not able to be part of our communities and conversations. My wave is to find a way that we can bring people in, who had maybe felt no ownership over fitness spaces,  to share a sense of belonging and ownership.  I want to create a space where we can collectively let go of the fear of failure and the insecurity that comes along with that so that we can allow ourselves to try something new, to risk a little vulnerability, and grow.

You can expect a deep dive opportunity to channel some intensity, some big music, a whole lotta tension and moments of euphoric release ( and  a lil’ country western moment every once in a blue moon)

T o T o p